Fodder delivery rakes

Shrnovače píce

Strojírny Rožmitál produce one-rotor, two-rotor, and radial fodder delivery rakes in the following several modifications:

They are SB - 3621, SB - 3921, SB - 4231, SB - 4631 one-rotor rakes are carried on the three-point hitch of the tractor and the SB - 4941, SP - 682D, SP - 772D, SP - 852H, SB - 1332 and SB - 1352 two-rotor rakes are drawn behind the tractor. Working span of these rakes ranges from 3,6 m to 13,4 m.

Ozubený převod

The most important part of the rakes is the rotor and gearing of the rotor. The fodder delivery rakes produced by Strojírny RoÏmitál are equipped with an oil-filled and sealed gearbox. The permanent lubrication ensures continual proper lubrication of the pulleys and movement of the rocker arm, thus it decreases the noise of the working rotor and the wear of the rocker arm mechanisms individual parts. The large diameter of the rotor case maintains sufficient bearing distance of the separate rotor arms as well as ensuring their strength and working reliability.

The two-rotor rakes could be further divided into two sub-types, one type creating a centerline when raking, the other creating a sideline.

A very interesting aspect, which is also very important for working quality, as well as for prevention of defects, is the longitudinal and diagonal terraincopying feature. The three-wheel undercarriage located under the rotor ensures this; it is standard equipment with all drawn two-rotor rakes, with the rotors placed separately and independently on the machine frame. One wheel placed closely ahead of the working fingers enables the longitudinal terrain copying. The other two wheels are located on the axle under the rotor case. The way the working rotor hangs on the rotary pin enables the machine to copy the terrain diagonally.

All types of the driven machines are equipped by an overload clutch feature to prevent overloading of the machine.

The SB - 3621, SB - 3921, SB - 4231 and SB - 4631 delivery rakes are also equipped with amortization bars to prevent vibration of the machine or riding away on the slope, and to enable automatic stabilization when the machine is lifted to the transport position. The machines are connected to the three-point hitch and after setting to the working position, they move freely in the articulated joint.