agricultural machinery for fodder production

Up to the year 1989, Strojirny Rozmital had a monopoly in the production of tedders and delivery rakes in the former Czechoslovakian market in terms of agricultural machinery. Despite current competition, our machines are still market leaders and production of these machines continues to this day.

Our products

Disc mowers

Fodder tedders

Fodder delivery rakes

Universal machines

Roll balers


Premiere of Czech Machines from ROZMITAL at the Swiss Agrama Exhibition in Bern
25. 11. 2024

Premiere of Czech Machines from ROZMITAL at the Swiss Agrama Exhibition in Bern

The Czech agricultural machinery manufacturer, Strojírny Rožmitál s.r.o., will showcase its equipment for the first time at the prestigious Swiss exhibition Agrama, held from November 28 to December 2 in Bern. Four machines will be on display at the largest agricultural event in the region, including two disc mowers, a popular tedder with hook tines, and a versatile forage machine.

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ROZMITAL launches the new SD-300R disc mower with roller conditioner
14. 11. 2024

ROZMITAL launches the new SD-300R disc mower with roller conditioner

After last year's presentation of the prototype at the prestigious Agritechnica fair, Strojírny Rožmitál s.r.o. is launching a new model of the SD-300R rear side-mounted disc mower with cylindrical conditioner. This new model extends the range of ROZMITAL mowers with a powerful version designed for forage processing such as clover and alfalfa.

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