ROZMITAL will present itself to the Bavarian audience at Rottalschau 2024

ROZMITAL will present itself to the Bavarian audience at Rottalschau 2024
26. 8. 2024
Machines of the Czech agricultural machinery manufacturer Strojírny Rožmitál, s.r.o. will take part in the traditional Bavarian exhibition Rottalschau from 30 August to 3 September 2024, which is part of the well-known Karpfhamer Fest. Four ROZMITAL machines will be presented to the wide and general public on the area of the business partner ETZ Hellmut GmbH & Co KG.

Návštěvníci se mohou těšit na výběr osvědčených modelů, včetně diskových sekaček, obraceče a shrnovače píce.

„Nejenom Bavorsko, ale celé Německo představuje pro značku ROZMITAL důležitý trh. Je proto pro nás zásadní, abychom zdejším farmářům představovali naše stroje a prezentovali aspekty, pro které jsou stroje ceněny, tedy odolnost a robustnost,“ říká Pavel Jahoda, obchodní ředitel Strojíren Rožmitál, s.r.o. a dodává: „Velmi si vážíme naší spolupráce s německým partnerem ETZ Hellmut GmbH & Co KG. Díky této spolupráci si mohou návštěvníci akce prohlédnout stroje ROZMITAL již třetím rokem za sebou.“

Visitors can look forward to a selection of proven models, including disc mowers, fodder tedders and delivery rakes.

"Not only Bavaria, but the whole Germany is an important market for the ROZMITAL brand. It is therefore essential for us to introduce our machines to local farmers and present the aspects for which the machines are valued, i.e. durability and robustness," says Pavel Jahoda, Sales Director of Strojírny Rožmitál, s.r.o. and adds: "We very much appreciate our cooperation with our German partner ETZ Hellmut GmbH & Co KG. Thanks to this cooperation, visitors to the event can see ROZMITAL machines for the third year in a row."

On the 4403 area of business partner ETZ Hellmut GmbH & Co KG, four machines of the Czech brand will be exhibited, which represent the quality and reliability of Czech agricultural engineering.

Visitors can look forward to the rear side-mounted disc mower SD-340, which has a working width of 3.37 m. The centre-suspension model follows the terrain perfectly. Also on display will be the SC-301 front-mounted disc mower with a working width of 3.01 m. The double-sided attachment of the cutter bar forms a solid unit with the frame, and the over-weighting is handled by coil springs. The machine is also perfectly suited for demanding conditions.

There will also be a popular model among farmers, the OZ-676H fodder tedder. This six-rotor machine with a working width of 6.7 m offers the possibility of hydraulically rotating running wheels, which ensures the correct spreading of forage, especially on the edges of the land. In addition, the height of the running wheel holder can be adjusted to regulate the forage spread behind the machine.

Among the delivery rakes, the SB-4631, a single-rotor mounted delivery rake with a working width of 4.6 m, will be presented. This machine is equipped with a large rotor with 10 arms, each with four double fingers. The four-wheel tandem chassis improves stability and ground following, which is important for the machine to work efficiently. The chassis wheels are positioned just behind the working fingers, which helps the machine to adapt well to the terrain.

The Bavarian exhibition is taking place at a time when other important agricultural events such as the Země Živitelka and the Den zemědělce are taking place in the Czech Republic. Strojírny Rožmitál thus takes full advantage of the opportunities to present its technology on the international and domestic market.

Strojírny Rožmitál is looking forward to your visit at the Rottalschau 2024 and cordially invites you to come to our stand in area 4403.